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How to run more bot about hardware
I'd like to change my pc to run more bot.The one I currently using is like this:
Intel Xeon E3-1230v2
Memory 16G
gtx650 1g

I can only play 5 bot on it smoothly.Which part shall I change to run about 10 bot?
Thank you!
Only 5 on that machine? I can run more on weaker notebook.
(02-15-2014, 07:34 PM)yangzhi Wrote:  I'd like to change my pc to run more bot.The one I currently using is like this:
Intel Xeon E3-1230v2
Memory 16G
gtx650 1g

I can only play 5 bot on it smoothly.Which part shall I change to run about 10 bot?
Thank you!

do you have rendering disabled?
ya the key is disable rendering, i'm running like 12 bots and playing the game with this option checked.

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