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Won't load 2nd instance
So after having Minion be a butt for me the past few hours I finally go it to work with one instance. The problem is when I go to run another instance it will immediately crash without the log in popping up, it will work just fine for A. loads it and asks for key/pw (I don't have it auto-login) but if I choose B. (with or wihtout A running minion already) it will crash no matter what stage I am at be it character select screen, loaded in game, etc...

I did have issues with my clients just plainly crashing which i posted in another thread with a few others having issue but that seems to have settled down reinstalled minion and a few other programs such as VLC to name one since they like to claim which files they open just to make sure they were not the culprit.

Not sure on my end what would be causing the second instance of ffxiv to crash when minion loads, works just fine without it.

As far as Minion goes I run default what it comes with no extra lua etc and everything else like direct, Net 4, C++ is all up to date those were the first I accused of being red handed.

I had no issues running 2 instances simultaneously about 15 hrs ago, got off or work came home booted everything up(no updates for windows were installed) tried to run both and started having issues. My thinking is FFXIV launcher ninja installed something to prep for 2.16 tomorrow :/ because as far as my system goes nothing changed in those hrs.

I will see if after maintenance and if Minion gets updated if that fixes my issues.
are you using the GUI_launcher.exe? If so please use FFXIVMinion_launcher.exe and make sure you have more then 1 Minion Serial key code
(02-19-2014, 03:44 PM)jackie1234 Wrote:  are you using the GUI_launcher.exe? If so please use FFXIVMinion_launcher.exe and make sure you have more then 1 Minion Serial key code

I stated already I wont give me the second login-in screen to put in another code(meaning I have more than 1), it auto crashes and I run it default like fxfire's guide said too, he helped put his soul into this so :/ so to answer your question yes I used the launcher.

The most likely scenario is there is some cluttered data somewhere most likely on my end and the next minion update should take care of that if not I will keep going at it until I figure out where it is being caused from.

The reason why I find it strange is no matter what account I use only instance A will work anything after that it will crash instantly without asking to log in.

**Seems I can get them both to work If i load right after the maturity screen ends, so far I have had them both running 10 minutes without an issue.**

Also no I do not auto log-in I always manual input all the information.
If you have two .cfg files in your minion folder... make sure they both do not contain the same Key. You can also delete the .cfg file, Launch ffxiv log into game wait until your charachter loads into town. once toon loaded into town load first bot. once that attaches. Open second instance of ffxiv, log into your toon, load into town. once in town load up second bot. if you have no .cfg file it should ask for a key for each instance on first run.

You are experiencing duplicate key issues... This happened to me. Checked both .cfg files and they had duplicate key, as soon as i changed one to another valid key, the problem was solved.
I always manually log them in but the issue is it crashes the second game without the log-in which is strange. If this is still persisting Friday I have it off and you can guarantee I will be questioning my computer for answers. Hopefully I can figure out why and how to stop it :D

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