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Trying to setup a skill profile and failing :-(
Sooooooo ladies and gentlemen here's the nuts and bolts of what I have been trying to get to work:

1 Cast Fire until you are low mp
2 cast transpose
3 cast bilzzard until you full mp or close enough
4 cast transpose
5 repeat

Heres what I have so far:

1. Cast fire if player has NOT "173,176"
This will cast fire if player has neither the fire nor ice buff on him. This is my way of getting the motor running so to speak, need to start the loop somehow and it does work.
2. Cast fire if player has BUFF 173
So while fire buff is active we will spam fire
3. Cast Transpose if MP< 300
This changes fire buff to ice buff
4. Cast Blizzard if player has buff 176
While ice buff is active it will spam blizzard this will restore all MP
5. Cast Transpose if MP>1000
This should take you back to number 2 and form a loop

Now here is what actually happens. Starts off casting a single fire (cause it has no buffs), this adds the fire buff and it then spams fire like it should. It will then use transpose at low mana but it seems to have a really long think about it before it does for some reason. Casts a single blizzard then just tries to spam fire again.....

I cant figure out why it would cast a Fire while it has the ice buff the only conditions for it to cast fire is if there are no buffs active "player has NOT 173,176" or it has the fire buff active "player has 173".

I would really love some help this has been driving me nuts for a couple of days now Complaint

Thanks a lot for your time :-)
Your #5 should be set to the very top I believe, the skill manager is like a priority system, it will cast whatever is at the top of the list when the requirements are met
didnt fix the problem :-(
For your Cast Transpose if MP>1000 did you add the player must have ice buff requirement?
Here is the file in question, I have kept it as simple as possible for now. I'd like to add more to it once I get these basics working.

I have managed to get it to cast transpose straight away now rather than a long delay. I have managed this buy removing the requirement to have an ice or a fire buff on as I think the <300 and the >1000 MP really should be enough (it wasnt working with it on anyway).

So if anyone can solve the mystery why it casts a fire spell when it shouldn't I'd be sooo happy.

My leading theory is that the increased potency of the ice buff after the first cast is no longer being recognised under the 176 buff id???

Have a stab at the file and see what you think :D

Thanks a lot everyone.

I've just figured out that the ice buff changes its buff ID as its potency increases the numbers are 176,177,178

But now my problem is that directly after a transpose from ice to fire it uses ice instantly, then casts fire it like it doesnt wait to realise that the buff has been changed.

Attached Files
.rar   THM test.rar (Size: 418 bytes / Downloads: 10)
What you are trying to do is have the bot do a rotation based off of a player doing everything perfectly and watching the buffs, but you have to consider that there's no pauses in the bot; the bot will fire off skills one after another instantly. I sorta revised your profile a bit and tested on a 16 THM (393mp) and it seems to work; you may need to adjust the values on mp based on your own toon though. You'll still see the back to back blizzard/fire thing once in a while because transpose still on cd.

Attached Files
.rar   THM test.rar (Size: 434 bytes / Downloads: 8)
ooooo thats great thanks i'll test it tonight! :D
just use my BLM3.0 profile it works just fine all you need to do is add blizzard to the end and adjust the MP values to you unlock blizzard 3

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