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Grind Bot Stuck/Navmesh
Hey guys,

Okay so I have been having a great time with this bot, however I have been also getting frustrated with the fact that it is hard to completely AFK in some of my favorite zones for the following reasons. Firstly, I will get stuck in particular "off mesh" spot. Sometimes it will take 10 minutes for the grind bot to get there other times it will take an hour, but no matter what it will get stuck in that particular spot. Now, whenever I try to trouble shoot this problem by adding a "offmesh connection" it immediately ruins the bot twice-fold from previously. I will immediately run into the first wall and keep jumping after I've added a new "offmesh connection." So in order to fix reupdate FFXIVminion with it's original files - leading back to original problem of getting stuck at the original particular "off mesh" spot. Also, I've tried to push the grind marker further back so that it will possibly not attempt to go that far, but it inevitably does. I sincerly attempted to read the threads I've seen related to this issue or somewhat related to this issue and I've read the tutorials, but honestly I just cannot figure this out. This is my second/third day messing with this and it is somewhat frustrating.

Can someone please help me?

Thank you,

are you using legecy controls? if not make sure you remove the navmesh from under the problem area.
A pic of the stuck spot with the mesh visible and zone name would be great. Can't help you otherwise.
Hey guys,

Sorry for the really tardy reply, and thank you so much for your hastily one. I was/am not using legacy controls. I unfortunately don't know how to delete navmesh. I am having this problem at a specific spot when I mine in Southern Thanalan, and when I farm a mob. I was going to take a pic, but I can't find the folder where FFXIV pics go. /n00b

Thanks again,


EDIT: Okay, so I managed to find out how to delete navmesh triangles, however I am now running into a new problem. When I try to save this navmesh I am getting stuck on the "Please wait... Building Navmesh" for about 8 minutes. After this saves I cannot mine anything at all. In fact, I can't do any sort of traveling with the bot. It is completely useless in the zone after all I did was delete a few triangles and try to save. Please help.
I've encountered the same problem when editing and saving a mesh. The triangles show but no navmesh after saving.
"I've encountered the same problem when editing and saving a mesh. The triangles show but no navmesh after saving."

Yup this describes the problem as well.


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