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Repair Option

What does the Repair option actually do? Or rather, how does it do it?
It seems scary.

I don't have any crafts whatsoever, and it just repaired my stuff out in the field.

I'm trying not to use any hacks. Just the atma farming portion of FF14Minion.
I know this is all hacks really but you know what I mean.
its using the npc repair function without the npc. So you actually pay for the repair. Since its doing so without being near the npc, you could consider it a hack. If you are scared, disable it. I've always used it and never had any bans.
OK. Thanks for the reply.
So it looks like it is a hack, but I'll risk it seeing as you and a friend have both said you've used it for months.
I am interested in this as well, does it show the animation to those nearby? May not be so bad then.

Are there actual repair addons that go and run to the repair npc if you have a "Marker" placed to mark one? I would find that more preferred.
no the only way to repair is using the hack for repair. Its part of several addons on the forums. I've been using it for ever and no bans.
Does that include having used it in dungeons/places you shouldn't and be safe?

in the middle of Teleport duty for the last 6 months.

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