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FATE settings
Good Day,

I'm using minnion to farm my ATMA's . Where can i set the settings of leave a certain FATE on a certain level of completion? and I'm laso trying to look for the FATE Guide for the live version if there is any. .

there is no option to leave a fate at a specific % only wait for a fate to be at a % before starting it. its in the grind tutorial.
(09-29-2014, 11:32 PM)jackie1234 Wrote:  there is no option to leave a fate at a specific % only wait for a fate to be at a % before starting it. its in the grind tutorial.

Ah Ok. . Thanks
i want set the fate farming
and i want wait other player fight on fate before i join
so i ues the WaitForcomplete function
but WaitForcomplete is not working
if i set the number is 0,it will work on all map
but if i set 1~2%,it not work until i move to near the fate by myself
is there any way that i can follow someone to farm fate?

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